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GHG Reduction

GHG Emission Control

Carbon Neutral - Offset

Use the advantage of the inhouse experience to imagine and construct price/value carbon offset solutions for both industry and end users.

  • Program that promotes the reduction of GHG and purchase of CO2 Certificates for Voluntary Carbon Offset schemes on behalf of emitters, to compensate carbon emissions in Latin America.
  • Construct a certified carbon credit portfolio to meet the requirements of specific clients to become carbon neutral.
  • Promote and develop projects to help emissions reduction and generate carbon credits.
  • Identification of CDM eligible projects in LATAM capable of generating CER/VER to comply with emission reduction targets.
  • Develop a wide range of available VER certificates to become a mayor player in the carbon market.
  • Stablish a platform focused on individuals to create awareness of their carbon footprint and facilitate the mechanisms to reduce or offset them.

CH4 Methane Emissions Control

Climate change action to reduce GHG emissions both in agribusiness and industrial activities.

Livestock Methane Emissions

Triple impact opportunity to build the entire supply chain of a natural complement to reduce 99% of livestock methane emissions (ruminants), create jobs across the value chain and protect ecosystems in Latam.

Reduce Methane Emissions

Market and develop innovative solutions to reduce methane emissions of industrial activities, mines and abandoned oil wells.

Wide spectrum of solutions and continue study an evaluation of possible partners to ensure the smallest carbon footprint in all our industry.

EWL has developed a technology for air purification, capture and use of CO2 that not only captures the gases in question, but also transforms them into solid products with added value for the industry, stimulating a circular economy based on emissions from the hydrocarbon combustion. This carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technology can be adapted to any emission source, from transport to thermoelectric plants, as well as capturing and transforming CO2, NOx and particulate matter directly from the air (DAC).